Tips for shopping for reclaimed materials

The saying goes- one person’s junk, it another one’s treasure. And we couldn’t agree more, we find lots of treasures but it doesn’t always come easy. Here are a few tips on how to shop for reclaimed & recycled materials.


Be prepared.

Some of our staple items when we are out looking.

A list- make sure you have a list of things you are on the look for including any and all measurements for your space. We keep digital measurement files so we always have our measurements on hand if we stumble on something awesome. Our most current list had all sorts of random items we were looking for!

Your budget- know what you are willing to spend. We suggest shopping around online to see what it would cost to buy something new before you go. There are certain things that you are better off buying new for convenience , to make sure they fit and to get something back in working order. Often times, stores that sell reclaimed materials do not offer returns. Sometimes it is worth it to spend a little more on reclaimed materials for character or to get something to match a current product. And remember, free doesn’t always save you money in the long run. Either way, know your limit and what you are trying to accomplish.

Phone- so you have pictures of your space when you are shopping, any inspirational design photos and so you can take pictures of items of you find. If you find something you like but are unsure ask them to hold it so you can finalize any details before you buy. If you put money down or pay in full for an item, ask them to take it off the floor for you- we have learned the hard way on this. Make sure to take photos and measurements of the item before you head home. A phone also comes in handy to call your resident carpenter 17 times when you are at the store to get input.

Wipes - because picking gets dirty!

Know what you want and be patient. I shop at traditional box stores & online and I pick out exactly what I want before I go looking for an alternative. At our Big Bluestem Market Collective project, we have a wood floor that needs to transition into a tile floor and I really loved the look of hex tiles & terracotta tiles being cut to fit into the wood floor- kind of like a Tetris game. Hex tiles and terracotta tiles start at $5/sq foot which is not cheap (don’t forget that tile requires underlayment, mortar, grout and sealer too). I looked around and found a cheaper square alternative that I liked but it was still going to cost me $3/sq foot. I found the same product at a local Habitat for Humanity store for $.92/sq foot. The colors were limited but still something I liked and for that price, I can be flexible and make it work in the design. It pays to be patient and keep looking, eventually you will find what you are looking for.

4 years ago....

Four years ago this month we bought the Bluestem. It has been an adventurous couple of years- we have learned so much about patience, hard work and resilience. There has been a lot of tears, anxiety & doubt- but also a lot of laughter, family & friendship, happiness and inspiration too.

Creating an environment where our family can thrive has been our driving force behind this project and part of why we started this business- so we can share that with our customers too!

Our before & after photos to date: as you will see, there is still some finish work to be done- most notable, painting the outside of the house (sigh) but we are hopeful to sneak in a few weekends to get that done this fall.

Living Room & Fireplace

We opened up walls to create a more open floor plan. We loved the brick fireplace but a whole wall was too much. Eventually we hope to add a gas insert.

Dining Room, Laundry Room and Sun Porch

We took out a small “bedroom” to create a first floor laundry room which Alicia loves. We used old cabinets for storage, a vintage galvanized tub and an old door to finish off the room. In the dining room, we built a cabinet from reclaimed wood and window for doors and refinished a build in cabinet for a buffet. The sun porch is a big project on our list- we will paint the concrete floor, add wood to the walls and add custom built in storage cubbies for jackets, boots etc… We also have a dutch door that was given to us for the front door!

Downstairs Bonus Room

We tore out the only useful bedroom in the whole house to make an open concept bonus room- currently a playroom for the girls. While this meant big sacrifices in the beginning (we had NO bedrooms for awhile) we love that the have big open spaces on the main level.

We also rebuilt the stairs using boards we found down in the cellar. We have a vintage railing we will put up too!

Main Bathroom

We used a salvaged cast iron tub from a job and a dresser from a family members basement for this room. We reconfigured the entry door, stole the closet from the laundry room to add a large storage cabinet and used an old window for the door.


This is the main hub of the house. All custom built cabinets made in the Bluestem Shop- complete with a cast iron sink and poured concrete countertops. We added a few built in cabinets using old windows for doors and Rob built a custom island made out of the beams we salvaged from the upstairs addition. We created an eat in area with built in benches for extra storage and a custom table made from an old bowling alley. The door is a salvaged school house door which we completed with a stained glass piece made with plates.

The Upstairs

At first this was our closet/guest bedroom. We ripped the entire second story off and put up a full second floor. The upstairs now has a 4 bedroom (including a master suite with bathroom and walk in closet), 1.5 baths and a home office. So worth the wait and the investment.

Here is a sneak peak at our upcoming projects… a vanity, built in and some custom doors to open up our dining room into the sun room.

Thinking of taking on a home project and looking for some custom work? We are here to help you dream up a few custom projects for you too!

From remodels to custom woodworking, contact us to get started on your project.

Greenhouse Rising

I am not sure where this project originated but we quickly developed a plan to build a greenhouse when Rob aquired some large sliding doors and windows from a job recently. A viable building project when you love to be outside, grow plenty of veggies, adore houseplants and have a wild dream of being a flower farmer because doesn’t that sound lovely?? More of a fun project than a need but you have to chase dreams I suppose.

We took some old decking from a wheelchair ramp that we took out at our house. Build up some framing and popped the windows & doors in. Used recycled treated lumber for the roof joist and bought (the only expense) some fiber roofing material.

I have been beautifying the outside with some rock materials from around the farm and filled in the center aisle with vintage stamped brick. We will add some old windows in peaks eventually, we used trim from left over materials from our addition and white paint I scored for $5.00 a gallon! The plant racks are made from recycled doors and I will move in my potting stuff and all the other eclectic junk I have collected over the years. Maybe a stained glass piece or two as well.

I am not sure why we love these types of projects, but there is something so satisfying about using reclaimed materials for a custom space. While a greenhouse is not your traditional space, it is a space and one we have already grown to love. Have a unique project idea for your house??? Contact us!



Penny Tile & Vintage Porcelain

I recently posted about some bathroom work at the farmhouse. We have a powder room in the new 2nd story addition that we have been slowly working on. We laid the penny tile a few weeks back. I got a really great deal on the tile so we thought we would give it a try. Mosaic floor tile is tough- it shows every imperfection and I was worried it would look too busy but it turned out pretty good for our first time. Once our other pieces get added, it will look wonderful!


We will be adding a vintage porcelain sink and custom vanity to the space which is next up on the list. We found this vintage Kohler sink at a salvage place this past spring. One a cold rainy Saturday we decided to go out for a drive and ended up in Milwaukee sink shopping. Our poor children. Turns out this particular salvage stop would be MUCH better on a sunny bright day but those days are too precious to be wasted shopping.

We picked out this lovely for $40. There were several to pick from, but we ultimately picked this one because it had a nice backsplash, big wash bowl and a spot for a bar of soap.


I have a serious love for cleaning old porcelain sinks. This is my third salvage sink or tub project for the house and I am getting pretty good. There is something about taking something old and making it beautiful again. This sink was a bit of challenge though- underneath all that dirt was a rust spot. I got a little worried about the condition of the enamel but with a little extra effort- it came right out.


Now I am off to design the cabinet...


Work & Play- Celebrating Father's Day

We had a crazy week at the Farm- Little E was sick all week and we ended up cancelling a trip Up North that we were all looking forward to. As much as we try to take a weekend here or there, when we are home for the weekend- we always manage to dream up big to do lists of things to get done around the house. This last minute weekend home was no different. So Saturday we worked and Sunday we played.

To bring everyone up to speed on our home project: last August we tore the entire roof off of our house. Still unsure about how this all started but the end results have made this huge project all worth it. It is through the process of buying and remodeling our farmhouse that Big Bluestem Restoration Company was born. Check out our ABOUT US page for more of our story.

This was our before....

This was our before....

And this is what a house looks like with no roof! We salvaged as much of the materials as possible and have been re-purposing them into furniture, frames and wall coverings.

And this is what a house looks like with no roof! We salvaged as much of the materials as possible and have been re-purposing them into furniture, frames and wall coverings.

I will share current photos soon but we are still working on finishing our siding & painting sometime this summer. Our new upstairs has 4 bedrooms including a master suite with a walk in closet and bathroom (I am seriously considering a coffee maker and mini fridge so we never have to leave). We also have a powder room and an office with a large storage closet. There is so much room and I am absolutely in love with our design and how we maximized every inch to fit our needs

So back to weekend projects- we are working on our powder room. I will post more photos and stories about that in the upcoming week or 2. We went with a white penny tile. I got a great deal on 12 x 12 sheets for $1.50 a piece. It is a tricky tile to lay and it looks busy but with the right grout and room design I know it will be perfect. We have a salvaged Kohler sink of course and Rob will be building a custom vanity for it. We also worked in the garden and I continue to work on getting our home organized after this major upgrade.

Despite how hard we are working- 2 full time jobs, 2 kids, our projects and starting a new business- it is so important to take some time and what better than on Father's Day. We spent the morning at the farm- made a dessert for dinner and breakfast which my dad joined us for before heading to the lake to beat the heat. Rob & Hads went sailing which she naturally loves and Little E enjoyed a dip in the water too. We ended the day at Rob's family farm with dinner & the o so delicious cherry cookie bars Hads & I made earlier. My heart felt so full.

Stay tuned for updates on our Penny Tile Powder Room Project in the next week or two. Contact us today if you need help with any of your home remodeling projects- we are looking for new customers!

A Monday Morning Surprise

Our days have been full around the farm. We have been busy with projects, work, family and the farm. There always seems to be something changing, an event to attend or a project to manage and sometimes we can't keep up with it all.

After a packed three days- full with a funeral, graduation party and a fundraising event- we welcomed Monday morning as best we could. We had a variety of things that needed to be addressed. We needed to get the mail, clean the refrigerator and get down into the chicken coop to get the eggs out from under these persistent hens....



8 new baby chicks...



My thoughts exactly!


These faces-

the only reason I was okay with this situation on a Monday morning

So while we really didn't need an additional 8 chickens running around- we have them now and we will embrace the learning and responsibility lessons that come along with them. Funny how life teaches you lessons....

Taking a Chance


Sometimes life has unique ways in shaping a person. Rob & I have been together for 12 years now, and we have a lot of great things that make up our life. We have taken chances- some have worked, others not but even in the face of adversity we still strive to always maintain our passion, integrity, honesty and loyalty to ourselves as people.

Life has been hard recently. Our home has experienced a lot of emotion in the past year. Some good and plenty of upset. The constant challenge to maintain a person is not easy. We have been tested. To some extent we have failed. There have been significant life experiences that have left holes and permanent change to us as people- at least for now.

Through all of this, we have always had this dream of Big Bluestem Restoration Company. At times, the thought of using our talents, care and passion for BBRC was one of the only things that I felt we could accomplish. Slowly we started to build out our company to parallel our talents and capacity. We are at a starting point and ready to take a chance with getting BBRC up and running.

I am proud to be here. We work hard and we love hard. Big Bluestem Restoration Company is made of us and we are looking forward to building and growing this business one project at a time.
