Taking a Chance


Sometimes life has unique ways in shaping a person. Rob & I have been together for 12 years now, and we have a lot of great things that make up our life. We have taken chances- some have worked, others not but even in the face of adversity we still strive to always maintain our passion, integrity, honesty and loyalty to ourselves as people.

Life has been hard recently. Our home has experienced a lot of emotion in the past year. Some good and plenty of upset. The constant challenge to maintain a person is not easy. We have been tested. To some extent we have failed. There have been significant life experiences that have left holes and permanent change to us as people- at least for now.

Through all of this, we have always had this dream of Big Bluestem Restoration Company. At times, the thought of using our talents, care and passion for BBRC was one of the only things that I felt we could accomplish. Slowly we started to build out our company to parallel our talents and capacity. We are at a starting point and ready to take a chance with getting BBRC up and running.

I am proud to be here. We work hard and we love hard. Big Bluestem Restoration Company is made of us and we are looking forward to building and growing this business one project at a time.
